From February 24 to April 5, 2010
Following Tania Bruguera’s research on the notion of the political in everyday life, this exhibition presents a selection of her most recent works, in which she takes to task the relationship between ethics and desire.
The work Phrónesis is conceived as an archive of actions to be done at prestigious institutions but in unauthorized ways during the month of the exhibition. Each Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 7 p.m. an action will be carried out for each place, then documented in photographs and written text and sent to the gallery to be exhibited, thus completing the exhibition piecemeal as each new documentation arrives. Direct experience of the performance will be replaced by its mediated experience. Even when the time, place and day are announced in advance, the events are highly unlikely to become a public affair; rather, it will remain an everyday experience for the natural audience of each place. This piece deals with the differences between the notions of citizenry and audience.
Impermanent Revolution is a piece that will be done for the opening in which the audience can choose a political slogan to be transformed from a reading material into a physical experience.
Surplus, was conceived after the robbery in December 2009 of the sign “Arbeit macht frei” (Work makes you free) from Auschwitz. This piece deals with the moment in which ethics steps in and transforms desire into something political. The piece can be installed in two states: activated and non-activated. At the time of activation, a worker constantly transforms the object on each occasion shown.